It’s really fucking weird what random shit comes to you when you’re taking a shower. With apologies to Walt Whitman.
O Bama my Bama! The painful part is done;
The country’s weathered pain galore, the tasks before us aren’t fun;
Our peace is near, yet crisis is here, our people all infighting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the journey uninviting:
But O heart! Heart! Heart!
O the country’s heart bleeds red,
Where in our House respect now lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
O Bama! My Bama! Now is the time to push;
Don’t stop–even though you rid us all of the backwards bush;
For you the road is hard and long- for you the polls a-dropping;
For your head they call, the ignorant mass, racism not stopping;
Obama! Dear leader!
The weight is on your head;
Keep the dream alive and well,
Not fallen cold and dead.
Our country does not become one, our parties hold the power;
The right hand hates the left hand, and the middle just cowers;
United we’d be safe and sound, our voyage closed and done;
No fearful tricks from hateful groups could defeat us as one;
Stop hate, O Dems, and Love, O Reps!
But I fear, with growing brow,
That in the future our country lies,
Fallen cold and dead.